WOMS Blog–Counseling

Sherron Van Camp

Welcome back to the 2015-2016 school year!


Hello!  My name is Sherron Van Camp, and I will be the new counselor at White Oak Middle School.

I am here to help your child through the wonderful, and sometimes challenging, middle school years.

Some people like football, others are passionate about reading, but what I find fascinating is talking to, connecting with, and helping young people. I would like the students here to think of my office as a warm and friendly place, where they are always welcome. My office is also a safe haven – a place where they can get help if they feel confused or worried.

WOMS is a great school, but that doesn’t mean that our students won’t face challenges while they are here. I would like your children to know that they have an ally, and that there is always an adult at the school who will be on their side.

Please feel free to call, email or stop in so that we can meet face to face.  I am truly delighted to have the opportunity to serve you and the White Oak Middle School students..


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