WOMS Blog–Counseling

Sherron Van Camp

Benchmark Testing February 11-14


6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be taking Benchmarks next week.  Please try not to make any appointments until after 12:30 on testing days.  The schedule is below (NOTE that lunch is at a different time Monday and Tuesday):

Mon,Tues:  Testing 8:15-12:15; LUNCH 12:30-1:00; 6th-8th periods as normal

Wed, Thur: Testing 8:15-11:00; Lunch-8th periods as normal

Monday: 6th-8th  Math

Tuesday: 6th-8th Reading

Wednesday: 8th Science  (6th and 7th grade will have their regular schedule)

Thursday: 8th Social Studies (6th and 7th grade will have their regular schedule)

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