WOMS Blog–Counseling

Sherron Van Camp

Archive for April, 2020

Should I worry about extra screen time for my child right now?


Information and Resources Wednesday, April 01, 2020 Should I worry about extra screen time for my child right now? While limits are still important, it’s understandable that under these stressful circumstances, kids’ screen media use will likely increase. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggest some ways to help keep media use positive and helpful. Contact […]

Staying Busy while at Home


As schools across our country are closed to stop the spread of 2019 coronavirus disease, millions of people are being forced to remain at home. During this time, it’s beneficial for parents to consider their child’s needs for structure, education, physical fitness, social contact/communication, and even appropriate leisure time. Hopefully this Youtube video will be […]

Positive Affirmations


Staying positive may be hard when we are somewhat isolated from our friends and family members.  Always remember that you are enough!  Positive thoughts lead to positive actions.  

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